Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Purge: My Diet's Annotation

In the previous blog post I talked about the pitfalls of a beach volleyball player having to keeping up with their calorie consumption without having to resort to junk food. I made some suggestions and simple tips on how to go about doing this, but there was one thing that I wanted to leave out so that I could at least set a good example for you, and with the new movie called "The Purge" coming out, I thought this would be as good a time as any to expose my own weaknesses.

About every 3 weeks I have to "purge", and go on an "anything goes" rampage of binge eating.  It is what helps me cope 75% of the time, and prevent me from punching my way through the line at Taco Bell.  Now don't get me wrong, this "purge" is not a reward for 3 weeks of training and staying committed to a strict diet, and if that were the case then it would diminish the importance that I hold in my diet that it not only efficiently fuels  my body and helps it recover, but for the sake of being a healthy human being that would like to live a long comfortable life, it has many long term benefits that our distant future selves can't really comprehend.

But even during this purge my conscious still doesn't let me cross certain boundaries.  For one, I won't eat at any of the major chain fast food restaurants because I don't trust their quality of food, I don't want to support greedy corporations that have little interest in assisting the general public in living a healthy lifestyle, and over time I have just lost the appeal of some of their menu options.  But when it comes to local businesses serving up their fair share of saturated fat and grease, I will be more than willing to support during this exemption time frame.

If you were lucky enough to be raised on a diet that wasn't that what the average kid consumes, then you have a neurological advantage to avoid and resist all the temptations that our brain would love to tell you to give into so that it have access to rich energy sources, but if you were like me then I think a periodical purge will do you well.  One of my favorite quotes in relation to diet is that "One bad day won't cripple your diet but one good day won't make up for it either".  So the day off I take about once a month pales in comparison to the other 20 to 30 days, and being to instantly turn around, feel bad about what I just consumed, work my butt off to rid the poisons from my body, and replace it with better options is justified and very necessary in my book.

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