Friday, June 21, 2013

NVL News + NCSVA Regional

There are couple a big updates that I wanted to share with you all

First, I guess you could say that the pro beach season is officially beginning this weekend with the NVL's first major tournament in Dallas, TX.  But what's more important is that you can catch some of the action live through the streamed broadcast on Enet Live but you can also find the stream link on  You have to create an account to view the NVL's channel but the set up is rather easy.

Second it was also released today that the NVL is partnering with Rox Volleyball Inc.  Rox is an up and coming clothing brand catering specifically to the volleyball community.  I mentioned numerous times how partnering with major clothing brands has to be part of any tour's long term success, so I'm glad to see this happening.

Finally, I will have the privilege to watch the National Collegiate Sand Volleyball Association Regional here in Chicago at North Avenue Beach this Saturday.  I will try to get some clips of the action and create some new playing tips.  The tournament itself is very lucrative for the young players as the top 4 qualifiers will receive an automatic bid and free flight out to the NCSVA Championships in Long Beach, CA, and a wild card entry will be awarded to the NVL's West Coast Championships in Hermosa Beach, CA.

And with today being the first official day of summer I wish you all the best out there!

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